CABINET – 7 AUGUST 2024                                                PORTFOLIO: LEADER







1.1          That appointments to the New Forest National Park Authority, be agreed as follows, for the remainder of the four year term ending May 2027:-


Conservative (2)

Liberal Democrats (1)

Independents (1)

Cllr Barry Dunning

Cllr Caroline Rackham

Cllr Joe Reilly

Cllr Derek Tipp




1.2          That appointments to the Associated British Ports (ABP) Southampton Port Consultative Committee, be agreed, as follows, for the remainder of the four year term ending May 2027:-


(2 Members)


·         Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy (Cllr Derek Tipp)

·         Local Ward Councillor (Cllr Richard Young)




2.1       The Cabinet is asked to make appointments to two Outside Bodies, to the New Forest National Park Authority (NFNPA) and the ABP Southampton Port Consultative Committee, for the remainder of the four year period ending May 2027.


2.2       Appointments to Outside Bodies were made by the Cabinet on 7 June 2023 for a four period.


2.3       This report deals solely with the NFNPA, to which the Council appoints four Members, and to the Southampton Port Consultative Committee, which has invited the Council to make a further appointment, in addition to the one seat currently held by the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy.


3.         BACKGROUND


3.1       The Council’s agreed criteria for representation on Outside bodies, states that:-


(a)        there will be a clear benefit to the Council and/or the inhabitants of the District through formal representation on that organisation; or


(b)        the Council has made or is continuing to make a significant financial contribution towards the establishment or operating costs of the organisation and that appointing a representative will help ensure good governance.


3.2       The criteria for making appointments also suggests that where feasible, appointments to Outside Bodies should be made by office rather than by name.  In the case of the New Forest National Park Authority and particularly where political balance rules apply, this is not strictly applicable.


3.3       In making appointments, the Cabinet should also give careful consideration to selecting the most appropriate representative, taking into account the nature of the appointment and other issues such as local representation and the relevant experience and expertise of the appointee.


3.4       The current Outside Body Appointments can be viewed in full on the Council’s website at the following link:-





4.1       Whilst the Cabinet, in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders, makes appointments to all Outside Bodies for the full term of office, the Environment Act 1995 makes specific provision for appointments to the NFNPA to beterminated for the purposes of ensuring the political balance rules in Section 15 to 17 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 are met.  Political balance rules do apply to the Council’s appointments to the NFNPA and there is a duty to take into account the political groups’ wishes when making appointments where political balance rules apply.


4.2       The Cabinet is therefore asked to take into account the wishes of the Conservative Group with regard to their two seats on the NFNPA, for the purposes of maintaining political balance rules, giving effect to the Group’s new nomination, Cllr Barry Dunning.




5.1       The Southampton Port Consultative Committee is a forum for Local Authority, trade organisations, HM Customs, Department of Trade and Commerce to discuss port issues.  It provides stakeholders with a good understanding of port operations, and a forum to discuss new opportunities and challenges, including long-term planning of the wider port, operations and work within the port and wider Solent area.


5.2       The Council currently has one Member seat on the committee, to which the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy has been appointed.  ABP have contacted the Council to confirm that they would be happy to consider the appointment of an additional Member, on a ward councillor basis.  The District Council ward most relevant in this instance is Marchwood and Eling, reflecting the ABP Solent Gateway development of the Port of Marchwood.




6.1       There are none arising directly from this report. Appointments to Outside Bodies are  designed to ensure that where the Council makes initial or ongoing financial  contributions to an organisation, there is a mechanism to ensure there is Council  representation in the relevant forum.




7.1       Representation on both the NFNPA and the ABP Port Consultative Committee have a climate and nature focus.  Members appointed may find the Council’s induction training and development and ongoing briefings in this area particularly relevant, to support the promotion of the Council’s objectives in this area when attending the Outside Bodies.




8.1       The Cabinet, as with all Outside Bodies appointments, is requested to have regard to appropriate and inclusive representation in making these appointments.




9.1       The Leader is supportive of the recommendations in this report.



For Further Information Please Contact:


Matt Wisdom

Service Manager – Democratic and Support Services

Tel: 023 8028 5072


Background Papers:


Environment Act 1995 / Local Government and Housing Act 1989